Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spain, On a cliff top and a man with a mustache

I get buzzed down to sign for a package and grumbled under my breath at Will for ordering from MY account. (I didn't order anything, did I?) I sign for the package and not waiting to get back upstairs, I claw at the tape with my keys. A book on Spain? Hummm? And then I read the note and burst into tears.

"...Thought you could use these books just incase you decide to fulfill your dream and elope to Spain to get married on a cliff top with a Spanish speaking priest... [with a mustache]"

Thank you sweet Kel.  My heart is full of joy...and my stomach is hungry for some Spanish cooking!


  1. that made me tear up too! such a sweet friend, how thoughtful! wonderful dream too! maybe you should make it reality + have a party @ alligator point?!! love you!

  2. gosh i know! that would be pretty dreamy! but then we would want YOU there!
